INSCRIÇÕES: https://www.eventbrite.pt/e/cleanbiz-international-seminar-tickets-354331624427
O projeto CLEANBIZ, financiado pela EEA Grants, é uma iniciativa conjunta dos capítulos nacionais da Transparency International na Islândia, Noruega e Portugal, que tem como objetivo fomentar o compromisso do setor empresarial para com os Direitos Humanos e o Desenvolvimento Sustentável através da ampliação dos princípios de responsabilidade social empresarial destinados a prevenir e combater o suborno e as práticas competitivas ilegais e anti-éticas no comércio internacional.
Na tarde do próximo dia 27 de junho, o Nova Compliance Lab e o NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment acolhem o seminário internacional debatendo os principais desafios e boas práticas neste domínio de intervenção.
CLEANBIZ is a joint initiative of the national chapters of Transparency International in Iceland, Norway and Portugal, funded by EEA Grants Portugal, which aims to foster the commitment of the business sector to Human Rights and Sustainable Development by expanding the principles of corporate social responsibility in preventing and combating bribery and illegal and unethical competitive practices in foreign trade.
On the afternoon of June 27th, the Nova Compliance Lab and the NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment will host the international seminar discussing the main challenges and good practices in this field.
14:00: Welcome & Registration
14:30: Introduction to CLEANBIZ
14:45: Roudtable 1 – Impact of Businesses in Human Rights and Sustainable Development
16:15: Roundtable 2 – Preventing Corruption and Bribery in International Trade: the role of Companies
17:30: Final Remarks